During a site upgrade of Open Cart from version 4 to version 6 I ran into some problems. There were of course the normal issues going between two major versions, but I was finally able to overcome those by upgrading first to version 1.4, then to 2.0.
However, I ran into two unexpected issues after successfully reaching version 6. The first: I was trying to install the pavilion theme and kept running into odd errors. I was able to resolve these by upgrading to the latest version of the pavilion theme, apparently pavilion does not have its supported version numbers quite up-to-date yet.
The second issue was an unexplained javascript error "Unexpected end of input OK". I scoured the web, and tried every known fix out there, but none of them worked. Finally a post here gave me the needed suggestion to turn on error displaying, which is a setting found in the store settings. Once that was turned on I got an error written to the screen that made a lot more sense and told me I had forgotten to include a new constant variable in the config file. I fixed that and everything was working good again.
Note: in the settings table is a new category type column called code I believe. This new column needs to be updated with the values from the old column, none of the upgrade scripts do this.